Monday, February 11, 2013

Reading Log 4: Satyagraha

Gandhi was a very influential figure who fought for peace in India. He coined the term Satyagraha to distinguish his fight for peace from the other 'passive resistance  acts going on in other parts of the world. Satyagraha is the 'love-force' or 'soul-force' that Gandhi believes in. He used it to win 'battles' by winning peoples hearts. There are 3 things you must try to do when using this technique. You must one, keep a good relationship with your opponents, winning their hearts as much as possible. Two, earn the sympathy of the spectators, and perhaps even their help. And three, fortify your own heart. You can do these things by being good, fighting with truth and reason to do what is right and just, and re-conceptualizing the battle as being cooperation between you and your opponent. I agree with Gandhi when he says that you must earn the sympathy of the spectators. When you are fighting for a cause against something you want as much help as possible. If you win the people over, or 'the mob' and you huge attention to your cause. The people you are fighting against will have no choice but to give you what you want because they won't want look bad in front of the world.

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